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Neurovascular Thrombectomy

Proficiency-based Training & Assessment of Thrombectomy skills

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This learning module is designed for:
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Healthcare professionals, responsible for improving and maintaining the level of practical skills of neurovascular thrombectomy, which might include but not limited to:

• Interventional neuroradiologists

• Residents and fellows in interventional radiology and neuroradiology

• Other specialties that need to improve the practical skills and knowledge of neurovascular thrombectomy

The Neurovascular Thrombectomy training module is developed for healthcare professionals who want to set up and offer best-in-class service and who no longer want to spend cath-lab time for training or risk patient outcomes by training on real patients.

Mentice Neurovascular Thrombectomy uses state-of-the-art training methodology(1) and validated(2) performance metrics to provide a safe and effective training and assessment platform for improving, maintaining and assessing mechanical thrombectomy skills. The module is intended for self-learning where the user is guided and given immediate feedback in the form of warnings at the fluoro screen throughout the procedure. It also comes with an extended possibility to configure each case to adapt to specific training needs.

To support the proficiency-based training paradigm and the need for quality assessment, the module comes with a built-in benchmarking system that makes use of the wide range of performance metrics to set assessment levels alongside the learning path and to set common quality standards.

[1] Proficiency-based training method has been proven superior to standard training*

[2] Developed together with NV experts and confirmed by an international panel of more than 20 international experts

[3] Face and construct validity studies published confirming validity of procedural protocol and performance metrics used. Protocol and metrics have been developed together with leading experts in the field and validated by more than 20 international experts.

Features & Benefits

Key Benefits

Effectively learn how to correctly, safely and efficiently perform neurovascular thrombectomy

Enforce best-practice3 procedural protocol at your EVT service

Set your own quality benchmark and make sure everyone in the service complies to offer best-in-class EVT for the patients

Unprecedented realism to train complex device handling skills such as tri-axial carotid access, forming of reverse shaped catheters and tri-axial navigation in the cerebral arteries

Highly configurable for different training needs

Features & Benefits

• Fully guided cases allowing self-learning/training and enforcing best practices

• High-fidelity performance metrics enabling advanced benchmarking, assessment and proficiency-based training (more than 200 unique metric parameters over 10 phases and more than 35 steps)

• Editable options to allow for exercise- specific setting of parameters such as table orientation and c-arm joysticks, enabling or disabling of guidance and visual feedback, whatpart of the procedure to run and automatic selection of devices

• High-fidelity device behavior ensuring that complex maneuvers can be accurately trained and learned

Training Objectives

• Safe access to left and right carotid arteries in a range of aortic arches and carotid take-offs

• Safe and appropriate handling of multi-purpose and reverse shaped catheters during the access

• Safe tri-axial access to and crossing of thrombus with a proper use of microwire, microcatheter and intermediate catheter

• Safe and effective extraction of thrombus with stentriever, flow reversal and adjunctive aspiration


Step 1

Flow Diverter Case planning in Ankyras®

Mentice: Flow Diverter planning in Ankyras
Step 2

Import Case directly into VIST® simulator

Mentice: VIST G7 Virtual Reality Simulation
Step 3

Practice deployment in patient-specific anatomy

Mentice: Wire navigation and flow diverter overlay from Ankyras

Case Layout

Total of 9 configurable and fully guided mechanical thrombectomy cases

• Occlusions on both left and right side, MCA (M1)

• 5 unique anatomies (Aortic arches type I, II, III, Bovine and type I-II), featuring challenging anatomical tortuosities (tonsillar loops).

For case description, please contact us on the form below
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Disclaimer & Regulatory Information

VIST® Ankyras® Flow Diverter Rehearsal is a training solution not intended for clinical use or decision making. Ankyras® is a medical device manufactured by Mentice Spain S.L. Mentice Spain S.L. is ISO 13485 certified. Ankyras® complies with the EU Medical Device Regulation (EU CE Mark, MDR 784032). ANKYRAS® is a medical software intended to assist healthcare professionals in the selection of a proper braided device for treatment of intracranial aneurysms. ANKYRAS® is intended for exclusive use by professional users.